
来源:    发布时间: 2024-03-05 08:48   84 次浏览   大小:  16px  14px  12px


The Chongqing Electronic Sports Association, or CQESA for short, is an organization dedicated


The Chongqing Electronic Sports Association, or CQESA for short, is an organization dedicated to promoting and developing electronic sports culture in Chongqing, China. With the rise of the gaming industry, CQESA has become a hub for esports enthusiasts, hosting events and providing support for gamers in the region.

So where exactly is the Chongqing Electronic Sports Association located? The organization has its headquarters in Chongqing's Shapingba district, specifically on the campus of Chongqing University. This location was chosen due to its central location in the city, making it easily accessible for gamers and fans alike.

What Is CQESA?

CQESA was established in 2015 by a group of esports enthusiasts who recognized the potential of electronic sports in Chongqing and felt the need to organize and promote the industry. Since its inception, the association has grown into a prominent force in the Chinese esports scene, with a growing membership and a range of activities and services.

One of the primary goals of CQESA is to provide a platform for esports players in Chongqing to showcase their skills and compete on a local and national level. The association regularly hosts tournaments and events across various games, including League of Legends, Dota 2, and Overwatch, among others.

Services offered by CQESA

Aside from organizing events, CQESA also offers a range of services to its members, such as training programs, coaching, and mentoring. These services are designed to help players improve their skills and reach their full potential in the world of esports.

CQESA also provides networking opportunities for its members, allowing them to connect with other gamers, industry professionals, and potential sponsors. The association has partnerships with several major gaming companies, which enables it to provide members with access to the latest gaming hardware and software.

CQESA's Vision for the Future

Despite its success so far, CQESA is not resting on its laurels. The association has ambitious plans for the future, including the establishment of a dedicated esports center in Chongqing that will serve as a hub for the industry in the region. This center will provide a range of facilities and services, including training rooms, gaming lounges, and broadcasting studios.

In addition to this, CQESA is also working to raise awareness of electronic sports in Chongqing, particularly among young people. The association believes that esports has the potential to be a major industry in China, and that Chongqing can play a leading role in its development.


The Chongqing Electronic Sports Association is a dynamic and innovative organization that is bringing the world of esports to Chongqing. With its range of activities, services, and ambitious plans for the future, CQESA is poised to become a major force in the Chinese gaming industry. If you're a gamer in Chongqing, be sure to check out this exciting and vibrant community!